Amazing. I've seen that episode, and you're absolutely right.paul_ wrote:when he starts using weird analogies for colours and posting excessive smileys, like, real enthusiastic about an impulsive project idea, i always think of the oxygen-deprived toki from an episode of metalocalypse for some reason. it's weird, its happened every time for the last 5 or so of his threads:
First icebytes Refinish
Moderated By: mods

Brandon W wrote:you elites.
thats not my priority , i got an amazing Hand madded one , so i do no what i gonna do , erm I payed it already did when i was finished pay the Gritante , now i doing money for an Motorcycle or Car .... I have life and things for pay do investments , government shit tax's .... etc...
Current Stats :
Neck comes whit the guitar was several damaged so i sell them
and Luthier did an Neck for them , Refinished the wholes SSH to HH , My taste is Humbuckers , its Super Strat shaped not an strat shaped
so no surf guitar here ...
Refinished the Neck Joint box , its can 25 frets and All Access joint
i don't have an 25 frets guitar yet , now i gonna have
Guess what ??? No Seymour Duncan on This project , i am Gonna use Brasilians Ones Called Malagoli Sound 777 Realbucker on neck and Sound 777 hellbucker on bridge , they are Alnico 5 monsters , At neck Paf and at Bridge Unique sound not an clone its real different one

can listen demos here : ... o_e_Preto_
About Floyd , Gotoh GE1996-T , Killer floyd

About guitar tuners , Gotoh S-38 Schaller Styled , Strong tuners

About Neck , Small D/C Shape , Wizzard 2 , Fender Small F Peg
Quart-Saw Marfim wood (Ivory wood) and marfim wood scale
About the Body 1989 Dolphin Fly Brasilian mahogany AAA Grade

Etc.... Colour will be an surprize

Someone move to projects please
thats not my priority , i got an amazing Hand madded one , so i do no what i gonna do , erm I payed it already did when i was finished pay the Gritante , now i doing money for an Motorcycle or Car .... I have life and things for pay do investments , government shit tax's .... etc...
Current Stats :
Neck comes whit the guitar was several damaged so i sell them
and Luthier did an Neck for them , Refinished the wholes SSH to HH , My taste is Humbuckers , its Super Strat shaped not an strat shaped

Refinished the Neck Joint box , its can 25 frets and All Access joint
i don't have an 25 frets guitar yet , now i gonna have
Guess what ??? No Seymour Duncan on This project , i am Gonna use Brasilians Ones Called Malagoli Sound 777 Realbucker on neck and Sound 777 hellbucker on bridge , they are Alnico 5 monsters , At neck Paf and at Bridge Unique sound not an clone its real different one

can listen demos here : ... o_e_Preto_
About Floyd , Gotoh GE1996-T , Killer floyd

About guitar tuners , Gotoh S-38 Schaller Styled , Strong tuners

About Neck , Small D/C Shape , Wizzard 2 , Fender Small F Peg
Quart-Saw Marfim wood (Ivory wood) and marfim wood scale
About the Body 1989 Dolphin Fly Brasilian mahogany AAA Grade

Etc.... Colour will be an surprize

Someone move to projects please

Precise dwarf bravery
- theshadowofseattle
- Posts: 62654
- Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:11 am
- Location: Skrampa, FL
- BobArsecake
- a mannequin made by madmen
- Posts: 10957
- Joined: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:40 am
- Location: Leeds (LeedsLeeds)
- robert(original)
- .
- Posts: 7174
- Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:30 pm
- Location: somewhere in the midwest
its an Brasilian guitar madded over 1988-1991 , called Flyrobert(original) wrote:i thought triple was used to describe the figure in a wood. and that guitar looks purple metalic, not figured at all.
Maker is Dolphin , my is an 1990 model
its Mahogany body , becomes whit generic pickups and neck is comon get problem's , my copy becomes whit an damaged neck
so i Needed replace the Neck lol
About Dolphin Guitars , ... n/main.htm
Best dolphins was been the 80´s , very good wood selection , like mine
Dolphin was selled in 1994 for an Cheap chinese guitars maker , and today just do shit n crap
Thats looks like mine :

exept mine got an Super strat styled neck wings

Precise dwarf bravery