it was about 36 a sheet after shipping and it looked nice but i usually asked 30 bucks a guard just to be able to come up with some profit(usually after shipping and papypal it was about 15-20 bucks)
but i picked some of this grizzley stuff up for 13.47 a sheet and its big enough to do almost 4 full tele guards.
it does not look nearly as good up close but it looks pretty damn decent.
im itching to make one for a guitar and see how it looks when its cut.
its three ply instead of 5 but hell its cheap as shit!
there were a few people that i talked to that once they realized how much tort was they went with a stand b/w/b/ style or something like that but now,,,,, now.... its the same damn price asa normal 3 ply plain guard!
im excited please excuse me.