I bought an adapter for my pedals yesterday, and it all works fine with my Zoom PD-01, but on my Crybaby, and some old arion tuner I have laying around, I'm getting some nasty 50 cycle hum.
Some pedals require a fairly high current, stuff like digital delays and the like, and can often make cause hum problems. But I wouldn't think something like a Crybaby or tuner would need that much?
I think he's saying it hums even if there's only one pedal connected up with it. I had one of those Arion Stage Tuner pedals with no hum problems, even running off those crappy powerbrick 5-way things.
There's shop on the Oxford Road in Reading that sells second-hand records and instruments. They had an Alesis Microverb II with no PSU, but they dug up a PSU and plugged it in; no sound. I left it. When I got home I looked it up and found that the Microverb II needs a 9V AC PSU and "using a DC PSU may damage the unit".