keep in mind that i have(had) 2 sanders a table router adn a scroll saw on one table (30X60)
i was working the pg templer for the 12 string on the rotary sander and it sways back and forth ever so slightly, always has.
well today the leg decided to give out on my, and everything, IMEAN FUCKNIG EVERYTHING! came crashing down to the ground, im so glasd i wear steal towed shoes.........
but anywho, along with all that machinery, the villager neck, and robs guard were on the far end of the table, they are fine.
basiclly here is where everything stands, i need to get a new table, the 6x9 sander is dead, it had died yesterday but today during the fall the swing arm boke off.
the rotary sander should be ok, altho i have not checked it, the scroll saw table went all out of whack and the buttom broke off(FUCK!)
the table router survived with out a scratch. the villager has a new nick, but its 50+ years old so it doesn't matter, and robs guard is fine.

on top of that the slave wheel on my bandsaw is warped a bit and causing the blade to move radically, and then eventually it pops off, every time, all the time.
so anyone that is expecting stuff. robroe,bassingtom, and i think there is another person but i can't think of them at the moment.
shit is going to bet a few days late, i need to get this mess sorted first.
i went table hunting for 5 hours and found jack shit.