Anyone know anything about flangers? Like, which ones are good? I bought a DOD one years ago and it crapped out on me after a few months (just like very other DOD pedal i've ever owned).
I'd like to buy another one in the somewhat near future, but I don't want to make the same mistake twice. I'd like one that can get huge jet-plane swirls of noise.
I was looking at the Ibanez FL9 as used ones seem to go for decent prices. Are these any good?
you want one that has Through Zero Flange, which sounds like Tape Flange
so look at the FoxRox or the Electro Harmonix Flanger Hoax.
No, TZF is what i want. If you just want to make silly noises and death ray sounds I suppose that unit is fine as would be any commercial analog flanger.
ok, that fox rox one was looking pretty cool until i saw the price. i listened to all the samples, though. it's cool that they actually had a kraftwerk sounding drum machine clip.
but at almost $400, i'm gonna have to pass.
The Boss BF-2 isn't bad if you can get one used - it's got internal trimpots to push the pot values over the edge for some more interesting sounds. It's discontinued and I dunno if the BF-3 has the trims..
Mike wrote:But I generally think Flangers are pretty extraneous.
that's why i'm looking for cheaper ones. definitely under $100.
thanks doog, those interactive demos are pretty cool. but they all sound similar with just different options. although the electric mistress did have this weird clanging effect. not sure how much i'd use it though.
and that boss pedal you mentioned sounds intriguing. used ones on ebay seem to go in the $30-$50 range, which is pretty decent.
Doog wrote:The Boss BF-2 isn't bad if you can get one used - it's got internal trimpots to push the pot values over the edge for some more interesting sounds. It's discontinued and I dunno if the BF-3 has the trims..