Firstly this one is for More Cowbell, he asked on the old board/before the dataloss for a short chord and lead section on each of the modes of the JVM so he could have a play with his EHX Graphic Fuzz to see how close he could get to each of them. So here it is, I set all the controls to midnight and played through the modes one by one, sorry that it's not quite loud enough to obliterate all string noise on the clean modes, but I guess they're less important anyway:
The second one is a redo of that JVM vs. 6100 into each half of my 2x12" that I did. I made a flipped phase speaker lead for the 6100 so now their power amps are in phase and can be played together through both speakers in my cab without interfering with each other and cancelling each other out in a nasty way. So they sound beefy and hardcore together now. Also I used an SM58 (with the grill off) and an SM57 on teh two speakers in the same position on each to do the mic'ing, so hopefully it should be more representative.
My favourite sound on the 6100, Crunch mode B with gain at 6, is very similar to the OD1/Green channel on the JVM, especially towards the end when I back the gain back from full to 12 o clock, I think it sounds very similar. Anyway regardless you get to hear the difference between the amps, and what they sound like combined, I think they sound different on most channels, with the JVM having a wider range of gain from breakup to insane Mesa-like saturation, but I like them both.
Anyway, hope some of you find them interesting.