1. everybodys got thier own fuckin signature guitar
2. 2/3 of the people with signature guitars wouldn't have one in 1992 when kurt was around because the industry was different.
think about it.
did kim thyal have a signture guild ? no. was he awesome? yes. did he sell millions of records? yes.
jeff ament? stone gossard? millions of records. they would totally have thier own guitars right now.
the stone temple piolots dudes? millions of records
dave ghrol and billy corgan are just getting thiers now and by all means and purposes thier prime was back then too
its only a matter of time before all these suburban kids that listen to rap have kids and they rebel against thier suburban thuglife mom, pick up a guitar and start a rock band. im talking about kids that are a little younger than me, mez and dots.... like 23-25 range having kids right now. those are the kids that just missed grunge and grew up with nu metal on the radio. YA KNOW WHAT I WOULD LISTEN TO RAP IF NU METAL WAS MY ONLY OTHER CHOICE TOO!
mark my words these kids's kids are going to rebel and out of left field you are going to get the next rock star that really matters, really filps everything on its ear back to how rock should not only be played, but be presented to an audience. wearing blue jeans and a tshirt. not big 80's hair, no fucking 00's eyeliner n shit.
the 50's were about rocking the fuck out
the 60's were about doing drugs, and being a hippy.
the 70's were about rocking the fuck out
the 80's were about big hair, spandex, and that stupid shit
the 90's were about rocking the fuck out
the 00's were about eyeliner, hot topic, and the mall
the 10's are about to rock the fuck out.
you watch every 10 years or so, rock swings back from all the excess bullshit and gets back to.....
rocking the fuck out.
wow i totally got off topic on that one. all that being said if i had to buy a guitar only as an investment i would buy this
eric johnson strat. has he sold as many albums as kim thayl ? no. have i ever even heard a song this guy has played ? no.
does he look like a guy i would call a douche if i saw him walking down the street? yes.
but his guitar is made of parts and assembled in a way that speaks of quality.
and in the end sometimes quality is more important that what band your in, what ugly fucking haircut you have or the fact that i haven't ever actually heard a song you have written