When the voice on the phone says "what's the best way to get to your place from Berkeley on a bicycle?" ... be afraid. Just a quick stop at the alt-fuel place to fill his molotov bottles up, and he'll be right over.
was that a set of actuall tortis shell picks for some crazy price. it's been flaged now so I cant see, but there was an ad like that in the Portland CL a few weeks ago
But seriously.
I've been in the woods and was like "oh! a turtle!" only to discover an empty shell. When turtles go the the skyheaven, they leave behind their shell as a gentle reminder to us all of how awesome they are.
Just because he was selling real plectrums doesn't mean he's a KILLAR.
I'll have to find mine, that my dad left me, and post a pic. It's mahusive, about the size of a hissing cockroach*, and I never use it. How can you tell whether it's pre-CITES? Carbon dating? How much of the plectrum would they need for that?
*Those are the kind they sell in pet shops and use in movies instead of real kitchen roaches.
Turtles are totally awesome, Sloan how often do You walk in the forest searching for the 'dead' turtle shells ? I once found a dead wolf, wasnt a too good pick..
Sloan wrote:But seriously.
I've been in the woods and was like "oh! a turtle!" only to discover an empty shell. When turtles go the the skyheaven, they leave behind their shell as a gentle reminder to us all of how awesome they are.
Fakir Mustache wrote:Classic Shad Deluxe.
Nick wrote:Some of Shad's favorite Teles are black.
izodiak wrote:Turtles are totally awesome, Sloan how often do You walk in the forest searching for the 'dead' turtle shells ? I once found a dead wolf, wasnt a too good pick..
Tortiseshell was once a very popular pick material, the production of them is now outlawed but jazz guitarists talk of stalking ebay for them. That's where the whole tortiseshell pattern on celluloid picks thing came from.
Aug wrote:which one of you bastards sent me an ebay question asking if you can get teh kurdtz with that 64 mustang?
robertOG wrote:fran & paul are some of the original gangstas of the JS days when you'd have to say "phuck"