Over at freestompboxes ChrisFFTA's asking about a substitute channel switch footswitch for an Orange AD30. Does anyone know whether it's just a SPST that shorts out the cable?
The pic looks pretty simple:
if that really is what he's talking about.
The schematic I found on line is for a single channel amp.
I have no doubt that it's just a single channel shorting latching footswitch. You could use a similar Marshall, Bespeco, Behringer, Boss footswitch to the same effect I'm sure. the Orange footswitches look fabulous but they're very pricey.
A love affair. I love the way they big them up as ex Marshall design engineers. What did they design in their time at marshall?
The AVT series of amps - so the valvestates that weren't as good as the original two series'
The Mode 4 - the most poor overpriced badly sounding Marshall amplifier ever made.
Mike wrote:The AVT series of amps - so the valvestates that weren't as good as the original two series'
Oh dear.
Why do you say that? I'm not being defensive, I have an AVT half stack, and think I remember there being the Valvestate series before that in a studio I recorded in when I was about sixteen. The studio amp was a 50 watt combo though, so I probably can't be compared to my 150 watt half stack.
euan wrote:Again its your UK sourced amp in the UK vs US sourced amp in the US.
Yeah really.
Here Marshall and Laney are the cheapest
Then Orange
Then Fender
Then Mesa
Then Corksniffer Boutique Amps
marshall's are pretty reasonable over here for what they are. orange's sound and build isn't superior, either; just different. i can understand there being a difference in price because of quantity produced and whatnot, but that doesn't explain orange's ridiculously high price tag. i'd no sooner buy one of them than i would a mesa.
euan wrote:Again its your UK sourced amp in the UK vs US sourced amp in the US.
Yeah really.
Here Marshall and Laney are the cheapest
Then Orange
Then Fender
Then Mesa
Then Corksniffer Boutique Amps
marshall's are pretty reasonable over here for what they are. orange's sound and build isn't superior, either; just different. i can understand there being a difference in price because of quantity produced and whatnot, but that doesn't explain orange's ridiculously high price tag. i'd no sooner buy one of them than i would a mesa.
Mesa/Boogie on the main I am completely disinterested in since the gain sounds are very saturated and more high gain than I care to use. The more Vintage sounds come across aenemic. PLus they're fucking pricey. the only amps of theirs I like are the Stilletos. Way pricey.
Mike wrote:The AVT series of amps - so the valvestates that weren't as good as the original two series'
Oh dear.
Why do you say that? I'm not being defensive, I have an AVT half stack, and think I remember there being the Valvestate series before that in a studio I recorded in when I was about sixteen. The studio amp was a 50 watt combo though, so I probably can't be compared to my 150 watt half stack.
I can't really remember much about that amp.
The new Valvestates look shit though (the AVTX).
Because when I started playing guitar I played lots of teh Gen1 and Gen2 Valvestates. the Valvestate VS100 head and the 8080 Combo in particular were really, really great amps. No frills two channels and they sounded great. While the AVT amps are fine and I've heard them sound good when bands we've played with have used them, they just don't sound anywhere near as good as the VS1 and VS2 lines in my opinion.
Mike wrote:The AVT series of amps - so the valvestates that weren't as good as the original two series'
Oh dear.
Why do you say that? I'm not being defensive, I have an AVT half stack, and think I remember there being the Valvestate series before that in a studio I recorded in when I was about sixteen. The studio amp was a 50 watt combo though, so I probably can't be compared to my 150 watt half stack.
I can't really remember much about that amp.
The new Valvestates look shit though (the AVTX).
Because when I started playing guitar I played lots of teh Gen1 and Gen2 Valvestates. the Valvestate VS100 head and the 8080 Combo in particular were really, really great amps. No frills two channels and they sounded great. While the AVT amps are fine and I've heard them sound good when bands we've played with have used them, they just don't sound anywhere near as good as the VS1 and VS2 lines in my opinion.