any chance someone here can ms paint/photoshop/whatever graphic program you have, add the jaguar upper control plate to a cyclone? ... =p3907.m29
onto... ... dZViewItem
thinking of running a jazzmaster bridge pickup with a jag neck pickup, but then i thought, why not add the controls while i'm at it. i know i might need a custom guard, but thats not a huge deal.
photoshop request: cyclone/jaguar content
Moderated By: mods
If you got a pickguard that was just barely wide enough on the top to mount the humbucker, than ran it up to meet the plate like on a jaguar, you'd have something kinda cool. At least I think. I'll try and shoop it.
edit - no i give up
edit - no i give up
Aug wrote:which one of you bastards sent me an ebay question asking if you can get teh kurdtz with that 64 mustang?
robertOG wrote:fran & paul are some of the original gangstas of the JS days when you'd have to say "phuck"
i have a sunburst one that was someone else's project that they gave up on, the frets are lifting but the thing is going in for a full overhaul and the stock electronics are going bye bye, its getting a roller nut, roller saddles, roller tree's, and i'm hoping to have a decent looking cyclone that will stay in tune and sound like crap.
kind of like how fender should have built it

kind of like how fender should have built it

not a big fan of triple pickups except for p90's. small singles don't sound right too me, and if they are humbuckers, the middle one gets in the way too much, plus i like the simplicity of a 3 way switch, lolbubbles_horwitz wrote:if you're gonna add a jaguar control plate, shouldn't you get the cyclone with the three jaguar pickups? that'd be pretty cool.