that was done with a camera phone? wow i'm very impressed hurb!
I've been way to into gear lately and haven't spent enough time with my camera. i don't know if I've posted these in the last thread but here is some of my more recently uploaded stuff.
My co-worker Micah of
Superock, they really live up their name, you should check them out. Sounds like Fu Manchu, QOTSA, also Micah is a pedal nut like some of us here, so there is some good use of the Flanger Hoax and Microsynth on the album.

Expired T-max 3200 pushed to 1600.

False Color Digital Infrared, 5 second exposure in the middle of the day.

one foggy moring.

Amedeo Pace of Blonde Redhead

Blonde Redhead at the Norva,