I am across some good reviews of some cheap options such as Harley benton ga15 for 114£/159€
which is 15watts with 1x10"
and Blackheart handsome devil for 236£/318€
which is 15watts with 1x12".
For matters of price, size/weight and looks i'm closer to choosing the ga15, and from what i hear blackheart distorts easier at higher volumes something that i dont want but how much difference d'you reckon the bigger speaker of blackheart will make, the bigger size the more bottom end, right?
Also, would I be able to connect the ga15 at two cabinets at the same time? meaning its own cabinet and an extra one possible 1x12"
take a look at the back of it
ps. market of low wattage amps is really getting hot, for our good i guess, since competition is dropping prices.