I decided I was getting tired of that ugly tarnished black anodizing that was on my HH's metal control parts. I'm sure it looked alright when it first came to the shop, but the time I bought it used the stuff was looking pretty gnarly. I was originally considering buying some replacement chrome parts, but damn that would be an expensive mod that doesn't do anything.
I found this at my parent's house:

With some time and elbow grease, the tarnish gradually came off. I might do this for the bridge piece and the tuners, but they aren't nearly as bad. I also replaced the knobs with some normal jag knobs.

I thought this might be helpful for anyone that wants to remove anodized crap from their metal parts. And I love an excuse to post pictures.

I really do think the guitar looks a lot better now. This thing was a steal now that I think about it... $450 out the door, I'm guessing they didn't realize that the previous owner had installed Seymour Duncans in it.
Possible future mods to this guitar:
-repaint, possibly in white
-new pickguard
-change 500K pots to 1Meg
-possible install jaguar tremolo
-new nut