maybe not the quality but I would judge the sound of a band by the pedals. I think that's what timhulio was getting at.deadonkey wrote:wow, judging the quality of a band from the pedals they have on the floor
just wow.
Line 6 Stompbox Modeler
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i like the fact that you can use it for saw, 4 delays at the same time, or any combination there-in. that makes for some pretty amazing sonic abilities if you tweak it right and has a amp that sounds ok with line 6 stuff.
and can stand the quality level of there effects.
and most players are starting to understand that jsut because you have a pedal infront of you doesnt mean you have to use it all the time.
i'll probably end up with one for my synth soundscape rig with a smm/h, dd-20 and a stereo volume pedal. it should all fit into a ehx fxbag and give me back some of my cpu processor usage from massive amounts of vsts.
and can stand the quality level of there effects.
and most players are starting to understand that jsut because you have a pedal infront of you doesnt mean you have to use it all the time.
i'll probably end up with one for my synth soundscape rig with a smm/h, dd-20 and a stereo volume pedal. it should all fit into a ehx fxbag and give me back some of my cpu processor usage from massive amounts of vsts.
Sorry but i call bullsh#t on this.timhulio wrote:No, if you use a rat or a big muff, there are so few variables that in time you effectively master the pedal, know it intimately. You know exactly what it's doing in your signal chain. It becomes part of your sound. However, when people buy these huge multi effects they can never know every nuance, are swamped with possible sounds and thus their guitar playing live becomes a tedious melange of effects everyone has heard a before from a hundred pub bands with multi effects boards before them.
When I get a new pedal i dont have the time or patience to "find every nuance" - i just play with it for 10 minutes to see what sounds it can make, find one or two really good one then leave it set to that. Generally the only time i'll touch the controls again is if i change to a different guitar or amp.
Likewise, whenever I've owned a multieffects I've just general gone through it to hear all the basic sounds, then i find a good clean, distortion and leads tones, and a fuzz sound. Then i'll only play with it again if im bored/in need of inspiration. I don't like playing with gear and tweaking knobs everytime I pick up the guitar, I just want to bang out some tunes.
Nothing wrong with multieffects or pub bands - a good tone is a good tone. Really who cares how "individual" your guitar sounds - you should be relying on your music and not pedals to make you stand out from the crowd anyway.
I think I can read, yeah. But the example I gave was exactly the same principle. Judging a band on an uninspiring effects set-up is just as valid as judging a band dressed in latex catsuits (men, I mean).deadonkey wrote:motherfucker, can you read?ekwatts wrote:So if a guy takes the stage in ripped jeans, a denim jacket and carries a Les Paul, you're telling me you wouldn't roll your eyes to the heavens in anticipation of that first Gary Moore-a-like bend at the 12th fret of the high E string? I would.deadonkey wrote:wow, judging the quality of a band from the pedals they have on the floor
just wow.
deadonkey wrote:wow, judging the quality of a band from the pedals they have on the floor
just wow.
Brandon W wrote:you elites.