Teletubby cont (PAINT)....

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Teletubby cont (PAINT)....

Post by Jagermeister »

Anyway, the idea is I'm too cheap to buy a real JM body, but picked up this thing for $20 and have a drill press and bondo... (Plus I've sorta wanted a Tele Deluxe and if it didn't cost... money I'd put those pickups in it)


...and I have all these parts that I've been trying to sell for the last year that no one ever seems to buy...




or John Mayer Mustang...


...or my latest idea: Redo the Paisley except not crappy, as that saves me having to use a spraycan or do the bondo up pretty at all. AEN did something like that iirc, people hated it lol, but it is much lazier and hell, I'll be fucking over the body anyway basically. Probably won't burst it, just slather the front in wallpaper, maybe clear it. Matching stock of course, woo.

Thinking about wiring... I have spare CIJ Jag pickups, and am wondering if I shouldn't do this... (aka, the NashvilleJohnMayerMustangtubby). It'd at least take advantage of having a 5 way switch there... I'm thinking the dpdt (it will be there) will do something like phase switching...

Last edited by Jagermeister on Mon Sep 15, 2008 12:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Justin »

Dude, no new posts/threads are going to survive after dots did a back up earlier. Save it for when the move is finish.
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Post by roachello »

:shock: U bought a pink Paisley body for $20?? Where pls?
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Post by ElCapitan »

2 Jazzy pups, change the pickguard. keep the paisley on the back though, it looks swish. :lol:
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Post by Jagermeister » shitty routes, which didn't come out half bad actually :mrgreen: the only one I actually cared about the aesthetics about was the lower half of the bridge pup route, which ironically will be mostly made out of filler, or maybe part of a 2x4, lol. The rest ought be covered by either the tremplate or pickguard, but that didn't keep me from at least doing more than a half ass job... But around the trem route time I really started not giving a damn, lol. careful, I was naked when I took these and lots of chrome.



...time to knock a few holes in the pickguard (and use the little dremel drillpress thing for bridge posts and random holes etc....)

And yeah there's really no room for the third Jag pickup :P much as I'd love it, though the pickups (coincidentally) are exactly the same distance away as they would be on a Jag, despite looking scrunched...

The body is an MIM that someone didn't want because of the fucky paisley, lol. Actually minus shipping, I paid $4 for it lol.
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Post by bassintom »

Don't drill for the bridge cups yet.I'm still trying to figure out where the location should be.
Meanwhile ...check this out
Guitar building videos
I tried to call yesterday but your phone acted weird...maybe it doesn't accept calls from New Jersey :shock:
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Post by bassintom »

Here's the link to fabric finishing a guitar
Fabric Finish
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Post by light rail coyote »

sweet, another bondocaster will join the ranks of the fleet
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Post by aen »

Dude, thats like, my signature guitar, version 2.
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Post by analogsystem »

that's a killer idea! It's like one step beyond putting a bigsby on a tele!

It might look really cool with a tele deluxe pickguard instead of the regular tele one.... just a thought.
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Post by Jagermeister »

haha, I'd have used a bigsby tele bridgeplate if that wouldn't have gone against half of the rest of my ideas for the project :lol:

The Tele Deluxe guard is a novel idea, and one that I did think about (especially as it would hide any shoddy routing haha), except that I think it looks pretty damn cool with the small standard guard and chrome plate (can't have enough chrome...) Someday I might transform this into a Teleblaster Deluxish sort of thing and would probably use a Deluxe guard at that point (to hide the increased shoddy routework, lol... But more likely if I ever make an actual Jazzmaster I'll put Deluxe pickups in it :lol:

(Yeah, basically this project was born of me wanting both a Deluxe and a JM, and the fact that Tele bodies can be found for very, very cheap, which JM bodies never can)

Yes, I was thinking about AEN hiding his tele's cut upness when I contemplated the paisley, but at this point I think I'm going to find some sort of either surf pearlish or orange pearlish duplicolor spraycan, and make it reverse Mayer comp. I'm now waiting on very little to complete this thing... Really just the time to drill for the bridge posts, then paint. the way, I got an amazing package from Bassintom, which I'll post pics of once I'm home :lol: I love how someone from Jersey had a spare 10 peso coin to send me, I might integrate it into the guitar, haha.
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Post by robert(original) »

jag trems just look so damn right on a tele, thats the trewf!
why else you think i did that to my tele?
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Post by bassintom »

Haaa..that little piece of HS is from this...

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Post by Jagermeister »

haha, was thinking that would be an odd break to make...


And yeah, jag trems>bigsbies.
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Post by bassintom »

That Clash button is almost 30 yrs old..
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Post by Jagermeister »

the frets are a bit rough and ready, but I might find a place for the fish on the headstock...
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Post by bassintom »

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Post by Jagermeister »

haha, there's not much to take pictures of at this point unfortunately... But that's not such a bad thing...

It looks about exactly as it did in the last pic, except that I've now installed the bridge, which (remarkably) actually lines up properly and intonates :lol: (you have no idea how worried I was about that.

So in theory I could just wire it up and play it, which I'm tempted to do. But I figure I'll finish the thing first (and as I can find NO paisley pattern I like and it seems like even ones I don't like are $20 a yard or so, I'm thinking either surf pearl duplicolor with a pearl white reverse mayer stripe, or the orange/red thing (except metallic on both, maybe the 350Z color if I can find it 8)).

So, the list to completion stands at:

-fix issue with one of the neck's screw holes (requires a bottle of glue and 2 minutes)
-Plug that remaining bit of tele pickup route with 2x4...
-route pickguard
-the end.
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Post by Jagermeister »

...alright, lied, here are a few new ones anyway because I just did this :P

Anyway, it's nice, loud and resonant, fairly dark sounding (more like my Mustang than my Jag unplugged, not very bright or twangy), somehow everything lines up (surprisingly lol) and remarkably the trem works perfectly :lol: More range than the Jag's, since it's positioned forward of where a Jag's (or JM's) would be it has a fairly steep string angle and won't rub with the screws at all... Considering it's allparts guts with a CIJ plate I'm impressed, haha (and yeah, the allparts guts perform 10x better than the original CIJ pivot/etc.)

Neck is spot on, could use a bit less relief and some shimming, but then again this was just a test assembly... It'll be apart again for paint in a few days, with luck.


Can't believe I got the bridge placement this correct... Thanks Bassintom :mrgreen:

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Post by Mages »

um, I see a problem. between the bridge and bridge pickup there's gonna be hole. you should get a pickguard to cover it.