oh boy, i've tried out the new(ish) vintage modern 50w combo tonite, it was at the studio and i used it to track some guitars.
fuck me did it give me a kick in the tweed nuts. i'm loving the sound, which can go from early marshall super lead/jtm45/bluesbreaker tone to more modern marshall tones.
i think i shall be trading in my blues deluxe, thats how much i like it!!!
I've never played one, but I love the way they sound in the clips and videos I've seen - they're really ballsy and dynamic. The most open sounding throaty Marshall overdrive you can get. Lack of clean channel makes Mike sad but for a one channel guy it would be heaven.
Mike wrote:I've never played one, but I love the way they sound in the clips and videos I've seen - they're really ballsy and dynamic. The most open sounding throaty Marshall overdrive you can get. Lack of clean channel makes Mike sad but for a one channel guy it would be heaven.
i think that's probably my only downside, i mean i use the guitars controls to clean up the sound but i'd like a dedicated clean channel. if i was super rich i'd have the fender for cleans and the marshall for dirt .
i wonder what the headroom is like, using the volume to get cleans, etc
Fender Classic Player 60’s Stratocaster>East Coast T1 Tele>
Epiphone Les Paul SL>Ovation 12 String acoustic>Peavey Strat DIY Relic
Marshall Origin 20H>James’s old purple 2x10
Marshall MG10 Combo