Everythime the damn tempo LED Blinks there is a buzzing noise i hear, does anyone know if this is fixable? i quite like the pedal but, it noise i getting on my nerves. i did a quick google search about it but couldn't find al that much about it.
yeah it is odd, but i'm gonna hook it up alone tonight and see what's up. I'm only running about 7 or 8 pedals and the echo park is last. i should be able to figure it out, if not i'll contact line 6 about it, i don't think it happened with it when hurb had it. i just wanted to know if this was some kind of common problem that might have a super quick fix
yeah bro, mine works just fine and im running 11 pedals off my one spot. the only time i had that kind of problem was with my irregulated power supply. maybe its the power from your wall?