this will bore alot of you, but for fucksake, it was really fucking hard to make a frame for 15 peices of 11x14 inch glass.
pics now, explanations later(we JUST got this done about an hour ago, its 6 a.m. and it has to be presented at 10)

its a somewhat politcal piece featureing a naked friend of ours holding a gun and wearing my respirator, notice the ankle bracelet(she was on house arrest)
subing glass in a pain in my ass!

originally it was going to be make of steal, but the stained glass fuckers neglected to tell us about the 750 degree torch they were going to be using until monday(fuckers!)
so i had to come up with a sturdy frame to hold all this glass and protect it at the saeme time.

it got designed and re-designed a few times in the last couple of days(more explanation later)
but its a fucking miracle that i (we) were able to pull it out of our ass in time.
i left out ALOT of pictures,
i pretty much took pictures just to prove to tim(proffessor) that shit was getting done, and if something happened to it i had proof that we did it.
here it is completed, it was nerve wtacking to hold this thing up for the first time.

here you can sort of see the image,(it will have a light behind it in the gallery)