now if you go to your local shop and have them order you a AVRI sunburst jag its going to cost you around 1450 dollars. brand new. for an extra 150 bucks you could have one of these.......i know these have been out for a while but i thought they cost alot more. fuck. me.
i had no idea what 6105 frets meant. joey said they all had medium jumbo frets but i figured these might be different.
im guessing the neck would feel exactly like my wilshire neck. which defeats the whole purpose of buying a 24" fender. they are supposed to all feel the same, thats why i have so many, you can jump from MG65 to compstang, to jagstang to 30 year old bronco and back again with a high level of consistency
I don't actually know what the numbers mean for fret size, I've just been told that they're bigger.
I agree that they should all pretty much feel the same, I can't understand why they would change the frets or the neck radius. They got them right on the AVRIs.
honestly, they could have had extra necks laying around the japan factory from HH jags that never got made. they do make the HH in like 10 colors over there as aposed to the awesome 1 (black) that we get here. they could have had a bunch of them flown in for these special limited runs. the HH model has a flat fingerboard and stupid big frets too
I want the Seafoam green one. The Venus in that color looks FANTASTIC! I'm actually curious on how it'll look with red tort and an anodized gold pickguard. Yes... I said it! I'm not a fan of gold pickguards either, i dumped the J Mascis one for a white pg, but I have a feeling the two colors might complement each other. Curious....
custom shop calls it celadon green. i think it's supposed to approximate aged seafoam green.
the color is way cool, but looks terrible with that pickguard. 'twould look way cool with a mint 'guard like this strat:
while we're on the subject of green guitars, this jazzmaster would be totally awesome if it didn't have gold hardware and didn't cost ten bazillion dollars:
robroe wrote:honestly, they could have had extra necks laying around the japan factory from HH jags that never got made. they do make the HH in like 10 colors over there as aposed to the awesome 1 (black) that we get here. they could have had a bunch of them flown in for these special limited runs. the HH model has a flat fingerboard and stupid big frets too
Definitely not HH necks. HH necks have the trussrod adjustment at the headstock, like the modern stuff...I think they also have "skunk stripes".