The brand's hook is that its products are cruelty free, handmade, and are not created in sweatshops so I thought that I should create a display with a "homegrown" feel to it by modeling it after a suitcase pedal board. I bought the vintage suitcase for about $3 at the local thrift store. Only 2 straps are Couch brand, but I needed to fill up space and therefore, other straps are included.
I created the "stickers" using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrators except for the Handmade one which is made from magazine clippings. It's all printed out on photopaper and I just sprayglued it onto the suitcase. It represents the look when you slap your favorite band stickers all over your instruments and gear.
And since the are proud to say that their straps are made from car seatbelt and vinyl material, I bought a seatbelt belt, put the logo on the inside, and used it as my centerpiece.
This is my fav project so far in my Display and Exhibition class. Hope u guys like it as well!