I wonder if you can order a decal from them to apply to the case. The decal looks freaking sweet. Paint the enclosure orange and get a decal and it would look sweet!
aen wrote:5 owuld have done the sockets first, so the board could rest upon them upside down whilst I soldered.
Looks like a cool kit. Plus you could mess all the trimpots up and have an awful sounding pedal, if you so desired!
I have a PCB stand that makes working on circuits a dream. For the transistor sockets I just used needle nose pliers to bend the outside legs to hold it in place.
Love the OLC kits. Tho mine arrived with all the parts intact. Yours is definitely more complicated than the pair of OLC's I've done, that have a single knob for tone.
I seem to remember wondering if I'd get little round brands on my fingertips from holding sockets in place while soldering. Also, some trimpotz were SUPER-sensitive. Or else the transistors are super-sensitive to tiny potz adjustments?
If you're set up to do so, maybe try a couple DI sound samples as well? I'm normally not a big fan of going ampless, but my OLC's sound surprisingly good this way.
filtercap wrote:Love the OLC kits. Tho mine arrived with all the parts intact. Yours is definitely more complicated than the pair of OLC's I've done, that have a single knob for tone.
I seem to remember wondering if I'd get little round brands on my fingertips from holding sockets in place while soldering. Also, some trimpotz were SUPER-sensitive. Or else the transistors are super-sensitive to tiny potz adjustments?
If you're set up to do so, maybe try a couple DI sound samples as well? I'm normally not a big fan of going ampless, but my OLC's sound surprisingly good this way.
Do Watford's parks live up to the hype?
Our parks are full of hypodermic needles and plankton - so yes, I imagine.
I'll do DI stuff just for you aswell as TT and 6100 amplified goodness.
bubbles_horwitz wrote:are you gonna mess around with different transistors?
I'm gonna fuck with the bias and also play with different trannies, yes.
Oh, and I'll change the transistors also.
ha, i skipped past the obvious and thought you meant transformers. had to double check 'cause i wouldn't've thought this pedal had any.
then i realized you meant the alexis variety and lolled quite heartily (not really, but i chuckled in my brain).
Worked very hard. Two wires left to do but I ran out of wire, which was frustrating. This kit is TIGHT. Probably will redo the 6-way cap selector as that wiring was done really badly by me.
Thanks for the photos. You're not kidding -- not much room in there! Are you going to let the wires suspend the circuit board, or use foam or standoffs or ??
Battery for testing I think, DC jack for normal use.
I'm going to pass some of the leads to the pots under the board (I only realised that was a good idea after looking at the photos) and let it suspend itself. I have stand offs but they're not really necessary I don't think. I have insulation taped the inside of the front of the case and will do the same to the back. Who knows if it will work.