I had to install some pickups on a dot studio and had to do that...
it wasnt THAT terrible, and there were less pots and switches, but i think as long as you plan it out it wouldnt be terrible.
I get it... dental floss to pull the pots up into the holes. I thought those were wires at first. Actually that doesn't seem too bad as long as the floss doesn't come untied mid-installation. It looks like getting the controls =out= of the guitar would be hardest.
brandon. wrote:I had to install some pickups on a dot studio and had to do that...
it wasnt THAT terrible, and there were less pots and switches, but i think as long as you plan it out it wouldnt be terrible.
the f-hole on the dot studio is bigger and positioned farther down on the body and the controls are all really close to the f-hole so it's a lot easier to work on then a real dot or 335.
brandon. wrote:I had to install some pickups on a dot studio and had to do that...
it wasnt THAT terrible, and there were less pots and switches, but i think as long as you plan it out it wouldnt be terrible.
the f-hole on the dot studio is bigger and positioned farther down on the body and the controls are all really close to the f-hole so it's a lot easier to work on then a real dot or 335.
fair enough.
my point is just that if you really want to put together a semi hollow, i dont think some tricky wiring should stop you.
It's not as hard as it looks. Fishing line is another option--it's stronger, and not made to CUT plaque. You just pull it in a piece at a time, sort of. Best to be avoided, but if you have to do it, there's some fulfillment to learning it.
i actually used guitar string on a few of them, i think it worked a bit easier cuz i just looped it around the pot/jack.
and it worked well becuz with tension it held it in place, but then when it was in place it slipped right off and i could take it out.
i have had to do this with two of my 335 styles when i lefty swapped them.... i didnt even use the dental floss idea... it wasnt all that bad... just took a little shaking and a few OOOOOOOOOPS's when i didnt put them in the right arrangement.
I've had to do it several times - the string ALWAYS breaks at some point. Plus, mine had undersized f-holes so I could only use mini-pots, which had crappy tapers and broke.
Eventually I just used my dremel to cut a big hole in the back and put in some CTS pots - totally worth it.