here is my problem. i have my Alamo Fury 115 combo amp, and i blew my 8 ohm speaker, now i have a free 4 ohm replacement speaker from a co worker.
some places online say i can add a 4ohm resistor in line between the speaker and amp and it should work fine without blowing up the amp.
but then i found things like this
from this site, you CANNOT make a 4 ohm speaker into an 8 ohm speaker by wiring a 4 ohm resistor in series with it (I once saw someone trying to do just this at Radio Shack). This will make the amplifier happier, since as far as it is concerned it has an 8 ohm load (which is easier to drive). However, resistors dissipate energy, they DO NOT generate sound. Wiring a 4 ohm resistor in series with a 4 ohm speaker will halve the amount of power which reaches the speaker (it will also degrade the damping factor, which won't hurt anything but it can degrade the sound quality!). Since amplifier power is relatively expensive, it would be extremely foolish to "throw away" half of it by wiring a resistor into the speaker's electrical path! Again, if you have 4 ohm speakers, you cannot change them into 8 ohm speakers... get an amplifier that is capable of driving 4 ohm systems!
Is an 8 ohm speaker really 8 ohms?
so will it effect the sound quality of a guitar amp, that i'm going to running with the volume at 10?
... so can i do it, should i do it? ?