My boogie 22 was squealing a little in the lead channel
Maintainence reco was changing V1 pre amp tube if turning down the treble reduced feedback
I replaced 2 of the 5 preamp tubes with new tung-sol 12ax7's
Wow! what a difference
So then I did some searches and saw that I probably should change the power tubes
So I just put in 2 Vintage RI Mullards, bias matched EL84's
Man it's like a new amp. tone, volume all amazing.
so a little more research and I just ordered two more 12ax7's by Electo Harmonix as I read they are fat and warm.
I am going to slot them into V1 and V2 move the Tung-sol's to V3 and 4
Wow...I just pumped.........who knew!!!!????
so any other tube stories...preferences and so forth?