Another Jaguar thread, my apologies. I've been offered an Antigua Jaguar in mint condition for £330, what do y'all think? I value your opinions but this seems like a fairly good price for any Jaguar these days let alone an Antigua one. I'll try and get moar pics.
I'm only slightly concerned that I have to pay by bank transfer, it's a classified add that I saw listed further down the country and it's like 5 hours drive away
do it,
antigua jags are rare enough, i bet over there they are supa rare!
if anything sit on it for 10 years and then re-sell it for 3 times what you paid for it.
Personally I would avoid it because I hate Antigua, but from an investment perspective, £330 is an insane deal I believe. Just don't post pictures of it.
I've decided to go ahead with the deal, I requested pics (which I wont post because Mike hates them) but needless to say the pictures were lovely.
The guitar is described as mint condition and looking at the pics everything seems that way. I'm just sorting out the details of payment and whatnot with the seller, this is probably going to make me a little overdrawn with my bank account but I think it's worth it.
I'm not a huge fan of the Antigua finish but I certainly don't dislike it and this is too good to pass up now
Last edited by TheBurbz on Tue Jun 03, 2008 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I would play it proudly in all of its anus colored glory. Mine may not be quite that shade, but it makes for a great description for those who have never seen one. An anus, that it.
Oh my, that's excellent. I've had 2 chances to buy a MIJ Antigua Jag & had to pass on both occasions (my Tele, which is my #1 guitar, is Antigua, my Jag is 3TS). Will ALWAYS have a thing for those. . .
So I finally got the Antiguar Jaguar and I love it. One thing that bothers me is that the paint on the pickguard isn't lacquered, so in my curiousity to look underneath it some paint happened to peel off. Fuck knows how people manage to play them and keep the paint on the pickguard, I may change it for a W/B/W or B/W/B one just to save the stock one.
Oh and the Japanese trem sucks compared to the US one I had for a project.
I'm considering some SD Quarter Pounders or maybe some AV pickups, Ludger has a demo of the SD's on Youtube and they sound amazing!