What I want is a pair of 12" speakers that will sound good with guitar and bass, but mostly low tuned guitar. Retain the high end response, you know? If I could replicate the stock speakers in my twin, but have them rated at like 200 watts, that would be awesome. so the bass guitar never blows them up.
The issue being LUGGING THAT SHIT. I'm not really concerned with the "perfect bass tone" the twin put out more than enough bass. it's just that i have busted speakers, and no desire to break replacement speakers.
Which SUCKS i clearly got htis amp with dying speakers in it. I haven't ever even begun to push this amp.
A lot of the undertuned metalfags love the Celestion Vintage 30's.
I just ordered 4 Warehouse Guitar Speakers Veteran 30's. They're V30 clones but supposedly with smoother highend. Which is good because I almost hate highend.