Blackstar Pedals

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Post by Doog »

Mike wrote:Doog will have plenty to say about the limitations of the Jekyll & Hyde.
Yeah, long story short:

Distortion side just a bit too bright for my tastes, even with the tone down and the bright switch off.. also has a wooly resonant low end the WHHOOMPFS just a bit too much for me with palm muting, even after a cap/resistor change. The OD side sounds too much like a distorted and clean signal together for my liking, probably would work a lot better into a crunchy amp.

On the plus side, it's very well made and that.
Audio sample I did a few years back.. Jazzmaster with SD Quarter Pound in the bridge pos, into DSL50 head, 2x12 cab.

I used it for a lot of my rhythm guitars and some leads on the WK EP (Machine, Starfucks & Stupid Headphones on our myspace) if you wanna hear more.