GFS '64 Stagger review

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GFS '64 Stagger review

Post by Mages »

well, holy fucking shit, I just got these GFS '64 Stagger Vintage Grey-Bottom pickups, and man they are awesome. I think this had to be one of the best guitar parts purchases I have ever made. I have tried these other Overwound Alnico Staggers before and was less than satisfied. These pickups however, absolutely blew me away. They have an amazing amount of shimmer and jangle. They sound almost modulated. the neck pickup is more midrangey growl.

I was playing these pickups on this pieced together strat that I have. the amp I'm using is this great little 1966 Kalamazoo Model One which is a gibson budget fender champ copy.

My line of thinking had always been that their more expensive pickups were the same as the their lower models just with more mojo features ("real fiber bobbins!" and whatnot). no way man, their more "expensive" models are truly better sounding and still really cheap. do yourself a favor and shell out the extra $18 or whatever.

I'm not sure you can rely too much on GFS quality control. maybe my experience with them previously was just a bad batch. They always seem to get the pole length wrong though. the ones I got before were all too long. these ones, the bridge one looks normal but middle and neck ones are too long. I will probably put something under the pickup cover to make it space correctly. also, the poles are supposed to be "hand beveled". they are barely beveled. just enough to take off the sharp edge. not like some pickups I've seen that have a real bevel so they are like almost rounded off. these are pretty much the kind of defects you would expect when paying this much for a set of pickups and obviously they don't affect the tone drastically in any way whatsoever.

lastly the middle pickup is not phase reversed so the 2 and 4 positions on the strat have kind of a thin sound I'm not a big fan of. I think I will wire it the other way.

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Re: GFS '64 Stagger review

Post by Mages »

mage wrote:lastly the middle pickup is not phase reversed so the 2 and 4 positions on the strat have kind of a thin sound I'm not a big fan of. I think I will wire it the other way.
that's right, I'm quoting myself. because absolutely no one except me cares about this topic. :roll: heh, well anyway. I just had to update about this. correction: the middle pickups IS phase reversed. so I went ahead and wired it the other way to see if I could get some more usable sounds out of the 2 and 4 positions. and HLYSHT. total fucking sonic destruction the out of phase 2 and 4 positions give you so many more sound options, it's like unreal. position 4 is like total melt your face treble sound and with tone all the way it's a whole other sound entirely.

so yea. as you can see I'm pretty psyched about all this. maybe a lot of people aren't interested but I thought I'd just share with people what things are working out for me.
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Post by shae »

Sounds really cool man. I'm still tossing up between Keystones or GFS pickups for my Telecaster. Unfortunately for me I can't get sound samples of either. But your glowing reviews of GFS does act as some kind of reaffirmation... of sorts. :)
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Post by Sloan »

GFS should sponsor shortscale. Mage, I enjoyed this thread. A+
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Post by mewithoutus »

<3 GFS. im grabbing a pair of gold split humbuckers for my sheraton sometime.
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Post by Mages »

I think it's true, most of the time GFS is a good value. every once in a while though you will get a dud.

a little more info that's kind of interesting about strat pickups. a lot of people know that the middle pickup on the 50s and 60s strat was not reverse wound like it is today. also, it was also just 3-way switching (somehow I've managed to miss this bit of information until recently). the thing was you can kind of get the 3-way to stick between selections. I read somewhere that the 5-way switch wasn't standard until 1977.

IMHO, the original style non-reverse wound middle pickup gives you way more usable sounds. everyone today likes all this hum canceling stuff though, I guess that's why they do it the other way. I just think the modern 2 and 4 positions are completely bland sounding and they have no bite.
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Post by ultratwin »

Some of you remember the cheapass POS Fender Tradishunalle Uhmerikan Surf Green Strat I had 2 years back. Everything was truly wrong with that guitar, but the '64 staggers nearly saved it, they are very good. Full, just glassy enough to have a decent Strat chime in 1-3-5, a nicely driving bridge sound as a good mid-'60s Strat should , with the 5.8k neck being the real winner in the set. Worth $70? Sure.

Was fairly nice for two months with the GFS kick...A Filipino boy later took the thing off my hands, I kept the GFS '64s.

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Post by turtle »

looking into it. Guitarftish is one of my saved sellers on eBay too!
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