It's just some boring sounds I'm afraid, I'm too hot, irritated and tired to dangle or affix my webcam to something and attempt a video.
OLC Chunky Cheese kit assembled by Euan
Jazzmaster > CC > Marshall DSL50 + 2x12 cab
0:00 - 0:11 - Tone bypass mode
0:11 - 0:47 - Mid cut mode
0:47 - 1:55 - Mid boost mode
1:55 - finish - Gated mode
Essentially, the gated mode is the same as the mid boost, with a gated effect towards the end of the gain pot- the threshold set by a internal trim pot.
I'm guessing the mid boost/cut works via a resistor/cap change- the frequency the tone control governs is a lot higher in the mid cut mode, and the lower honkier mids in the boost mode. The tone control at 0 sounds the same in both modes- 1:40 on the sample, I sweep the tone control in both modes a few times. Tone bypass sounds basically the same as the midboost mode with the tone at 5 or 6 - just a wee bit too bright and inflexible for my liking.
Only complaint is that I wish the gain control swept down lower- even on 0, it's a pretty damn dirty tone.
Big fanks to Euan for getting this together for me, it's real good fun, and nice to have a dirty fuzz to fart around with.
Livesley Kitchen's Salt Boost
Doogcaster > Salt Booster on 11 > Marshall DSL50 (crunch channel) + 2x12 cab
Pretty obvious when it's turned on- harmonics and gain galore. ROCK ROCK ON MIKE
I need a cigarette.