This guy I know will sell me this Ashdown Mag 410T Deep (4x10+tweeter) bass cabinet for $150. They sell new for almost $300.
Does anyone here has experience with running guitar through 4x10 bass cabs and would it be worth it.
I can't find any on ebay to see how much I could resale it for.
I may be able to just work half of that price off by doing stuff for him, like digging through oldass fucking shit and salvaging t00bz. wtf.
Power Handling 450W continuous Speaker Configuration 4 x 10" + tweeter Frequency Response 60Hz - 20kHz Impedance 8 Ohms SPL 101dB 1W @ 1m H x W x D (mm) 655 x 604 x 420 Weight (kg) 37
i can only tell you about running guitar through an ampeg svt 410 cab:
to my ears anyway: less harmonics (speakers are made to handle much more?), more defined, like a better 'lined' sound, more bite (10"?), good if you're using a lot of sub octs or tune down (C and below?) no speaker farts.
it's just personal taste... i should add i love the sound of the same top going through a good 2x12" cab (really liked that orange one) but i stick with the ampeg right now because it seems to handle all the octaving and fx way better (no farting/distorting when you don't want it to distort) but the downside to that is your sound wil be a bit less unpredictable harmonics-wise..you can't get the 'cab getting fried' kind of effect .. like you know, when your speakers are being put through a lot more and they're far more driven, more difficult to make a bass speaker do that with guitar through it. it's a bit of a compromise.
are you going to use a guitar head or a bass head? you need an appropriate amplifier... you can't just get any bass head to sound good with a guitar, some will sound absolutely terrible. especially solid-state heads with compression or any similar effects will make it sound atrocious. and as heavium says, it will drive differently. i would recommend trying out a lot of different amp heads with your guitar before buying one.
i saw one guitarist of aids wolf use a gallien krueger (hybrid ?) bass top through a trace eliott bass cab but he splits his signal to a fender guitar amp too, the sound had a lot of bite, very crisp, i think the main reason he uses this setup is because he's not after a distorted sound but more like a sterile cutting clean tone but less glassy/clear than on just a fender amp (hard to explain)..like solid state clean amps..you know.
i use a guitar top with my bass cab.. and also.. what sounds good to one person might sound like ass to another, just depends what you're after really, what you want from the sound. i'd say test it first, obviously, try combinations, it is cheap but it could still be a waste of money if you don't like.
It seems like a good deal. I may just resell it or something if I don't have a use for it.
Since I got my new speakers in, I've got a 4x12, 2x12, and 2x12. But you can never have enough shit to plug shit into!!!
I may just use it for practice or something.
i haven't had to to plug anything into it yet. i have to play 4 shows this weekend. it's fucking retarded and i have no sleepy sleep and i almost killed the fucking drummer from the other band last night. srsly. FUCK.
I used to play through my 2x10" + 18" cab all the time and it sounded KOOL. this thing is just all WOOOOOOOBOOOOOOOOOOOM and shit.
imma try to move it for dude since he told the guy at the music store to "fuck off" and he can't really deal there anymore. the guy at the music store is kindof a dick anyway, so i'm gonna try to just ask around.