I had a hunger for an OD pedal, but didn't wanna have another pedal on the board.
So, with a bit of redneck electronics, I piggybacked a 20k pot off the legs of the distortion pot, and stuck a footswitch inline:
Some herbit crab action going on..
Most pleased. The extra pot current works backwards- clockwise= less gain, but I might keep it for the lulzs. GAINSQUISH I believe I'll label it. Note the red flying leads, I'm gonna put a Jazzmaster slider switch on the back to click the pedal back to stock mode, for mondo gains when needed. THIS PEDAL IS FLEXIBLE.
I also made a DIY Sam and Max shirt. The pic is too small and it's a bit wonky, but it's all good.
I also saw some geniune POWER MANS in the 99p shop yesterday.
This has been a good weekend so far. I'd like to thank Mike and Aen for giving me belief in myself to tinker.