I donno bout this color... I'm a fan of greens of all sorts, but the color makes the guitar look like an 80s metal guitar. The closeup looks really nice and maybe another pickguard color may look more flattering, but I'm not so sure about this one Eastwood.
My eyes are suddenly opened to the majestic light. I like the red and seafoam too, but WHAT ELSE would you paint that color? It's dazzling. But it's also like have Doc Martens in that color that you don't end up ever wearing.
How on earth did Eastwood end up calling their products Airline?
Did they buy the name? Did they just trademark something that was out of use?
That guitar is cheesy, most Eastwoods are cheesy and overpriced. If you could find one used they're ok, for the retail prices I don't recommened them to people.
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
The two knobs nearest the neck pickup have to be there to piss you off by getting in your way and knocking plectrums out of your hand. There can't be any other purpose.
if this thing had white parts like the red one does....it would look fucking great.
Scrolling through the 'hue' bar, pretty much any colour works on this guitar except 80s green. Somebody needs to buy the guys at Eastwood photoshop so they can try this stuff out before they spend a load of money on paint.