Well, it's just arrived at my work, and I've been sat for the last hour playing it (unplugged for now, sadly). I was a little worried, since I'd heard some ominous reports of the quality control of the first batch to have been delivered, but my worries turned out to be unfounded: it's a great guitar. The gold is quite green-y in the flesh, but that's OK by me, and the dull metal bridge, pickups and machine heads don't look too bad: the scratch plate appears to have been reliced by primary school kids while they were making treasure maps, however. I'll see if I can clean it of with some acetone, if not, I'll learn to love it. I was also surprised at how thick the pickguard is - a good 4mm I reckon. The neck is much more satin finish than it appears in the photo above, and is really smooth; I was fair flying around it. Nice big frets, too. I always find Dano string spacing a bit weird to start with, but I'll the the hang of it. Reckon it'll be a touch neck-heavy, but I've go a strap to cure that at home. Sounds fucking ace, just been sat at my desk playing the Wichita Lineman break, and bastardised C&W licks. Two thumbs up from camp Benecol: will report back when I've plugged it in later.