I have already started to hurbify it, strap locks =check!
Tonight I took the old neck pickup out and routed the pickguard for a robroe covered single coil(its actually a cheapo pickup and a little smaller than a normal mustang pickup.)and wired it all in...first time I have seen under the hood/bonnet of a tele. looks coool, sounds kool....check it bad picture
Next up is possible taking the tone out and putting a kill switch in there and a proper setup for 11's or 12's(it has arsey 9's on right now) might replace the tuners for some white button ones. dunno about painting it, I kinda like the colour now.
Also in that picture is the faux xii I have restarted, I rerouted the edges to be more ROUND. And I need to cut a new pickguard(paper template is on there) as I have a real fender xii control plate from mr moustache so the old pickguard now doesnt fit. I WILL GET THIS DAMN THING FINISHED!