Mr.Ripley wrote:Doesn't the paint yellow because of UV rays or cigarette smoke? If it was in a warehouse or something it should be fine (unless I'm wrong )
I think you're correct.
They must have lost it in their storage area or something, because if it had been on display for 40 years, it would be yellow as fuck. Still, how do you misplace an entire guitar? And how does a store that does that even stay in business for 40 years?
The logo placement on those looks abysmal, it's like mid 60's or whatever Fender started placing logos on guitars all cockeyed. I don't get it.
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
jcyphe wrote:The logo placement on those looks abysmal, it's like mid 60's or whatever Fender started placing logos on guitars all cockeyed. I don't get it.
i think it looks quite quaint. but i'm biased cos my duo-sonic has the same thing. it would be ILLEGAL for me not to like it.
you could always just carve out the space for a humbucker, replace the neck pickup with um, a texas special, stick a strat vibrato on it and slap on some black housepaint. it'd look the biz.
stewart wrote:you could always just carve out the space for a humbucker, replace the neck pickup with um, a texas special, stick a strat vibrato on it and slap on some black housepaint. it'd look the biz.
My Musicmaster is essentially that guitar, now yellowed (a la Ted Turner colorization). I have an ineffable, unalterable association with that color. It does make the guitar look like a child's toy though, or like I had parked a steak on it.