I'm not a pedal user myself, I like getting the tone of my guitar from just the guitar and amp, but a boost pedal that doesn't add changes to the overall sound would be cool for soloing. Mine works just like the box in the link above except it's foot controlled and uses just one cord thats wired like an insert.
So I dug through my amp parts box and gathered up the parts I would need and set out to build it.
I used a reverb / tremelo stomp box from a twin reverb, 1 switch from said stomp box, 100k audio pot, mustang knob, a few scraps of wire, 2 mono 1/4" jacks and a length of 3 conductor wire.
First thing was figuring out the switch. After metering it I found that in position 1 it activated the tabs on the left side, position 2 activated the right side and the 2 middle tabs are in and out. So I wired the signal to run through the pot in position 1 and straight through in position 2.
This thing kicks ass!!!
To use it, I plug it into the effect send/return, turn the amp up, switch the pedal on and use the knob on the pedal to lower the volume then hit the switch again and the amp kicks back up to full volume. There are no changes to my tone, it's just LOUDER and It took all of 15 minutes to build.
After I dial it in at rehersals today I'm going to measure the resistance and do away with the pot all together. That way I can mount the next one into anything that can accomodate the switch and resister. Maybe something fun, like a crushed beer can.