I'm hoping to knock out a whole EP today to mah tape machine! My verison of singer songwriter stuff. I'm not started yet, Im waiting for my famly to GTFO. But anyway, I think I'm going 50s tele to über modest pedalboard, into little washburn bass amp. MIght have to change that, because the speaker might be too fucke up to do cleans at a decent volume. I also have the TWIN OF TERROR but that might be a little much for the neighbors.
Obviously, I'll hit that shit with a shure 58, and my big fat CAD condenser for vocals, or another CAD drum mic for shouty things. My condenser sounds rather pants for shouty things. These mics will go into the, shit, the mixer, I have to power the condenser. BALLS. anyway, mixer to Akai reel to reel, adn then dump into live, so you know, other people can hear it.
My son broke my decent camera, so I'll be taking some pix with this dopey built in laptop camera.