I've been back form the philippines for a couple of weeks and have been letting the neck and body sit in the sun almost every day. The taped guard, the nut, and the neck binding aged very nicely in the sun.
Today I installed the pickguard. I found the location by measuring between the ears of the aft bridge pickup cavity and the center of the trem, and drawing a line. Then I drew a line on the pickguard between the ears of the bridge pickup cutout and the middle of the bridge leg holes. Then I held the guard snug to the neck pocket and lined up the lines I had drawn on the guard and body and drilled pilot holes. At first, I only drilled the guard holes at either bridge hole and both sides of the neck pocket.
Then I found the center of the bridge cup holes and drilled pilot holes:
After which I enlarged them and drove in the bushings with a piece of wood and a hammer:
Then I drilled the rest of the guard holes and set the bridge and pickup covers in place:
This is supposed to show some really cool checking, but it just doesn't really appear in the photo:
Same thing with the headstock, there's some very realistic checking going on that the camera can't catch:
Sorry for the fuzzy pic, but you can see the white primer showing through the chips where the checking is at the tip:
For anyone who thinks I overdid it with the pickup covers... those are vintage. I had one that had been painted black and I stripped it, and happened to find one on the bay that looks like it had a similar treatment!
I have an AVRI tail on the way and a set of repro double-lines. The repros are WD-Pings, which aren't known to be the greatest quality, but I really wanted the stamping on them. I'll just have to send them back if they are POS' until I get a good set.
I decided on SD Antiquity IIs because they're aged and have gray bobbins. I'll be ordering those pretty soon, along with an aluminum guard shield and the pots. I'll be using vintage cloth wiring in the correct colors to tie it all together.