I want a blacker blue black (shown right) and to hide the cavities within the body. It's a thinline--you are building over cavities already. Just because Gibson has plastic cavity covers doesn't make them right. You can wire that thing up through small holes from the pup routs. I think a small archtop pick guard would look nice. It's trying to be a Melody Maker, not Fender. I would also be tempted to have chrome or white pup covers to go with a Rick tuxedo look. Yet it's also nice to have the pups disappear.
Dude, it's just like a fucking TC-90 + Telecsonic. Not really all that amazing.
I played a TC-90 in a store because they look cool as shitfuck and p-90's are bonerworld, but damn that thing felt and played like a piece of absolute shit. TRUTH.
I find that guitar sad. Once again, instead of something new, Fender rehashes the old. Except this time, they've just ripped off design elements from Gibson, who are the only guitar company on Earth who have less creativity than Fender.
Why are you people complaining about Fender being uncreative with this? It's a signature model... which means Fender didn't come up with the idea, The guy from Jimmy Eat World did!
I for one like this guitar. If I get a chance to play one and it actually feels good I might actually consider getting the red one.
I think the red one looks nice. One of the local shops has said it might be getting one in soon so I'm looking forward to getting a chance to see how it plays. Plus its fairly nice to have a signature model that isnt just a standard guitar with some slight tweaks and with the TC90 being discontinued there's nothing too similar in the fender catalogue.
Sloan wrote:I played a TC-90 in a store because they look cool as shitfuck and p-90's are bonerworld, but damn that thing felt and played like a piece of absolute shit. TRUTH.
That is true - I tried one out a few years back and it was useless crap. I don't know what was wrong, but it just felt awful.
I was devastated man. The TC-90 looked so fucking cool and HOW DID THEY FUCK IT UP???!
it felt like utter shit. like about on par or worse than a shitty as lyon pawn shop guitar or something.
i didn't even plug that shit in. i touched it and was like FUCK THIS and left the store.