i kinda fuct up your neck thru.
it seems that while i was driving with it to show a buddy of mine i hit a rather large pot hole and it jumped out my window and hit the pavement.
really really hard.
i think i can fix it tho dude.
here are the damages..................
i planed and thickness sanded the sides last night and today i cut them and glued them.
altho it is a go figure, once i glued them on i realized i could have shaped the neck about 2-1/2 inches more than i already did.
its no big thing tho, just means i gotta work harder and do more work at it.
probly bout tuesday i will be able to band saw out the sides and get a pretty good looking body shape going on.
so far at the first fret the thickness is 22 mm's
and 25 at the twelth, it deffenitly needs to less than 25 at the 12th, more like 23.5 but thats what sandpaper is for.