I would recommend not getting a shortscale bass for the following reasons:
- Because of the thickness of the strings bass strings tend to have cotton ends that are quite dependant on the scale length. You can buy shortscale strings but that's -just a hassle you don't need
- Parts like pickups are more readily available. I know that's an argument for the strat over the jazzmaster too, but the shortscale bass market is so incredibly niche that I wouldn't want to buy a budget shortscale bass and play hit and miss with trying guitar pickups in it.
- Shortscales dont sound as good. I'm not saying I could listen to a recording and say "that's a jazz bass, that first track was a mustang bass" but side by side the jazz will sound better and there's no point dealing yourself the short straw for the sake of some better looks when a jazz bass looks brilliant anyway.
- standard scale basses like the..
Hold up. Try an OLP stingray. The musicman stingray is an amazing bass but will be out of your price range. The OLP ones are the equivilant of a squier and pretty much all accounts I've heard have been good. Well worth a look. If they play at all like the real thing, that would be my suggestion.