lonely wolf is cool, maybe he'll be in some more exciting adventures pfffff
i did a cover for some hardcore compilation once, it sucked, i was like fifteen or so, but atleast i got some money for it and some free records
something i did last week, just sharpies and paper, i wish i could even out the color and then color stuff in on the computer but i don't have photoshop or anything, would be fun to do a collage-like thing
i did the negative out of curiosity , looks a bit too computer-ish to me
i've sunlitgreen right now, is it similar to gimp or is gimp better ?
i got gip on my ibook once and it needed some kinda thing to function right on mac but i'm using windows now so i guess it won't give me that trouble.. will check
No idea which one is better but The Gimp has served me well. Have not come across any issues with Windows interoperability, either. Some menus are a bit confusing, though
Last edited by laterallateral on Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:05 pm; edited 115,726 times in total
yeah, i don't do complicated stuff but there's enough options that i can use in gimp, it's a handy program but a bit messy
something from this weekend (it says miacis, the one i posted earlier says pussy makes three)
i'm not happy with it, it's kinda like halloween miacis lolz