i've been wanting a Sovtek Mig-100H since about 1996
or a red bear amp (although that is harder to find)
but when i hit up fleabay even the Mig50 ends up being out of my price range
so i was wondering if i could enlist shortscale to help
as it stands my amp selection is a fender FM212 (non digital series) that i put in a second out that cuts off the 2x12 speakers to run my 4x12 100watt 4ohm cab
and then a 1950's fonovox 3amp 60 cycle awesome for my apartment but not so awesome for anything else.
i'm contemplating dropping the fm212 (in favour of a twin reverb.. eventually) but the clean sound works for me
but what i'm asking for
is where can i find a mig 100H or even a mig 100
or god help me a red bear MK100 (i think that was the model? maybe mk60?) head
they are 100Watt 4ohm heads
what (aside from a way to costly marshall) woudl give me the same balls and killer groan?
(the fender FM412 head is essentially the fm212 less speakers and oddly with less balls)
little help?
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