I don't want wanna say I never use reverb, but I never use reverb. Maybe if I'm dicking around the apartment every once in a while but never with the band or recording or anything. Anybody else keeping it bone dry? Hi by the way.
it can sound brilliant like the stuff stomachmouths and mummies do in a garage rock type way or on clean surfy guitars like raveonettes but sometimes it takes away a bit of the 'in your face-ness' of harsh fuzzes or distortions.
i have no reverb on my main amp and have an ehx holy grail that sucks volume and since i pretty much never play clean i'm trying hard to leave it off my pedalboard. nomatter how big my love for surf and 60's style garage rock is.
so yeah, right now, in my case, it's like a kid trying to ignore a box of sweets.
i've been fairly underwhelmed by most of the reverbs i've tried.
i did like the reverb on a silverface twin i played a while back. the standalone fender units are the best sounding i've ever used. i can't stand solidstate reverb.
I'd say I usually play with a touch of reverb.
Not drenched by any stretch of the imagination though. I guess I just tend to use it because it's on my amp, but if I didn't have that available I doubt I'd buy a pedal for it.
St. Jimmy wrote:i didn't put fuck-all in your mouth, other than a dick of truth.
hotrodperlmutter wrote:i wouldn't bang those chicks with gaybear's dick.
Don't get me wrong, I love hearing it in other people's music. My amp actually has really nice tube drive reverb but it just doesn't seem to work for me.
I agree with most, just a touch does the trick. I mostly play bass, and I use juussstt enough that its audible, no more...on guitar just a bit past noticeable, just to fill things out a bit. Other than that, Im not a huge verb fan on vocals and whatnot. In excess I mean.
I used to use it a lot. I've been cutting back little by little lately and trying to adjust my playing to fill in the space. I've been trying to keep it dry lately for better clarity.
It'll be interesting when I finally get my tweed amp and won't have it available at all.
The EH Holy Grail is quite a solid reverb pedal. My brother's used one for a few years, and it's definitely my favourite 'verb pedal so far.
With that, I'm not a big reverb user. It's nice once and a while for texture/ambiance in certain songs, and on some leads. Otherwise, I keep it to a minimum.
I heard a lot of good stuff about the Holy Grail. Those "amp pedals," though, they kind of creep me out. It makes me think I should own the actual amp instead.
I know lots of people use Boss Reverbs but, god, I can't stand Boss pedals.
I got two amps that do reverb beautifully - a silverface bandmaster and deluxe. That said, we usually keep the reverb on about 3 so as not to over-egg the pudding.
I love drenching everything in reverb, particularly if I'm playing surf type stuff...
The reverb on my amp is pretty good, but if I ever bought and amp without, I'd definitely pick up a Holy Grail or something similar...