I just found out that this Nobels ODR-1 i've had for a super long time is worth like $200 on ebay. wtf.
I was looking into getting a tubescreamer as a clean/mid boost for experimenting with my metal tonez. Figured this thing might be similar to a TS circuit or something, and ran across this bullshit. It sucks because I really like it and kept it just because it's such a transparent pedal, but i thought it was only worth like $10 or something. Looks like a replacement would be hard to come by!
That Nobels supposed to be one of the best non boutique ODs around. I never like the 'gate' on the distortion model. I'm using a Ibanez TS7 at the moment, sounds bland on its own but put it with Marshall valves and it is unbeatable for the money. I have an EHX sovtek as well, use mine as a bass boost. No low end on Marshall combis imo.
Holy shit, I have a Nobels ODR-1 (silver version) I got for like $15 from GC a while back.
I had no idea they were selling for that much. I don't think my version is worth as much as the green but it's at least worth 4 times what I paid I'm sure.
I've never played a green box but I love mine. Like you said it's really transparent but it can still get some nice grit to it too. It sounds better than most overdrives I've used. You might want to get a silver box from that site and then sell your greenbox for $200 if it sonds kool enough for you.
I've never played a green box but I love mine. Like you said it's really transparent but it can still get some nice grit to it too. It sounds better than most overdrives I've used. You might want to get a silver box from that site and then sell your greenbox for $200 if it sonds kool enough for you.
That's what I'm thinking.
I might pickup a TS7 and if the Nobels is pretty similar, then fuck it, $200. I can buy ANOTHER AMP.
I'm fucking amp crazy right now, also Goth series crazy. These goth epiphones are some of the best guitars EVER.
It does look badass.
I suppose I should go try it out
If it doesn't sound good, then I could always just attach it to a chain and swing it around like a morningstar.
Lay down the law of XTREMENESS.
Last edited by laterallateral on Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:05 pm; edited 115,726 times in total
This is an awesome thread. Not coincidentally started by Sloan.
I learnded stuff, and saw awesome things.
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.