probly like a jazzmaster in bridge position of a strat.
sorry for the smartass remark,
that is a good question and i wonder what the neck and middle pickup are.
Jagermeister wrote:I hope they're not Lace sensors, god do I hate those...
Without 1 meg pot(s) and with the Strat bridge, the JM pickup likely sounds... deeper and more sustaining.
No,they are 60's Mustang pickups.The pickguard is bakelite.That thing must weigh about 10 pounds.I never heard the strat.I just took a photo yesterday when I was at the shop my friend works at.
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
Nobody is allowed to play upside down strats. Especially if you're right handed. You can play upside down whatever you like except strats with the only exception being a guitar that is used solely for playing in a Hendrix tribute act and you'd better be fucking good.
One knob
Jazzmaster pickup
Body damage looks good
Maple fertboard
Rubbish sticker behind the bridge
Mustang covers look odd with the jazz pickup, id go for black robroes on them for the stealth look.
Overall I like it a lot. If it were mine I'd get rid of the sticker, black robroes on the stang pickups and then rock out. I'd feel guilty about playing an upside down strat for a while, but the bowtie is forgiving.
the nut is not original, there is no way.
i think, correct me if im wrong, but it appears that it perhaps once had a locking nut installed, but that was taken out and to fill the spot a rather large nut was made.
i have seen something similer to this before.
I like the upside down body but I think the input should be moved..playing sitting down with that input must be weird.
Also, a custom pickguard which goes over the bottom horn would look better. So the pickguard is the 'normal' up, but obviously would be slightly different shape to normal.