The Big Muff is the one in the steel stud casing on the right, that one needs a definite reboxing. The enclosure originally held a John Hollis omnidrive, which seems to have an intermittent problem at the moment.
The Small Clone is heavily modified, my original goal was to get it to flange. There are a number of mod descriptions out there for this pedal, and it sure beats the old single switch/single knob version. I still have some experimenting to do in order to get it to flange, namely a feedback control, and possibly a sweep control circuit that would have to be inserted somewhere in there. That is the reason why it may seem like I didnt even out the layout for the controls on the face of the pedal, so that if I add a feedback circuit or some other gizmo, I have room left on the face.
I only built these for myself, and got rid of a lot of the equipment necessary to build any others. I only felt like posting these because I revived these circuits recently, they were sitting in the back of a closet, plus seeing alot of what Mike does here with his own effects inspired me to get these back into action. I would do a demo of what the Clone clone does, but I still have clumsy fingers at the moment, I need to get some practice rawking out before making one.