My little sister got a pink DS for christmas, I'm totally gonna have to get this.
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
i need to send my usb MS20 to korg since it's stopped working - but in the mean time has anyone tried this with supercard?
there was some open source rom that was a tracker - even came with MIDI over WiFi for added geekiness (yeah - play your softsynths with the ds...) but never got it to work properly... and was a bit tricky to play with on the tube..
BacchusPaul wrote:Still can't get a rom of it to work on my ndstt.
did you check
I didn't, but I've already tried, like four different roms of it. I suspect it's an issue with the ndstt, and perhaps the firmware I have, although I'm fairly sure that I've got the most recent version.
Winterfrost sent me a rom that works on his ndstt, so we'll give that a go, as soon as I get my hands on a card reader.
'acquired' it yesterday - seems fine with supercard, just need to make sure the save space is large (4mb). not bad at all - need to figure how to get 'song' mode working but tweaking filters with a stylus is cool.. honestly..
Still haven't been home to pick up a card reader. I've been stuck at my girlfriend's for the last few days on account of happenings here as detailed in the "New Years Drama" thread in the pub.