James wrote:Coincidentally I was adding up the value of the guitar things I own last night. I did it as part of considering selling some of it but I was curious as to the grand total, as it were. I got to about 3.5k before I realised I had best give up to save my sanity (although it was reasonably complete by that point).
If I sold a lot of it and spent the money on that Hiwatt I wouldn't be able to stop asking myself why on earth I have bought a 100 watt amp and a 4x12 cab. Not to mention the amount of times I'd stare blankly at it and mutter to myself "one point five.." before shaking my head in disbelief.
It's a disease I tell you.
The stuff I own is far less than that I imagine. Being conservative:
I think that's pretty much everything. I don't really hoard stuff, and I have to sell to buy generally
Thats pretty good going Mike considering how serious you are about music, like i've said before i really admire you for having a neat collection of gear.
Im afraid i also agree with James saying "its a disease", i got rid of a lot of stuff at the end of last year but at this point it seems to have doubled beyond a joke. I think i am becoming a hoarder.
Believe me, there's definitely times when I envy you guys, I'd love to have a couple of different Jaguars, and I would have loved to have kept the Mustang Reissue I had, but I get guilt about not playing things enough, plus we live in a pretty small house so it's easy for stuff to get underfoot.
I really hope you make it to DF3 dude, I need to hear this shit with my IRL ears.
Tim is a tall man. I feel lucky to have met him, and he didn't seem twitchy at all in Real Life. As soon as we got him out from behind those Ibanez Basses he was hiding behind like a MeerKat he was alright
i too have to sell to buy, generally. i also try and make sure that i can make at least 150% what i paid if i do sell, e g the silvertone was 200, could sell for at least 300, tele was 500, probably get 750, melody maker 700... not sure if id get 1100, but ive seen people asking as much. doesnt matter in that case because i wont sell and i had to have it.
sold a 250 viking for 700, selling soon a 400 viking for probably the same.
oh yeah, my HRD was 350, and i can at least get that much back on it if i upgrade at some point.
i havent really spent much money on guitars in a long time. this system has been working for me for a while now.
oh yeah, and that matamp i think is my favorite amp ever. absolutely gorgeous. are they a british company?
i could have sworn i replied to ultratwin's post this morning... something of the lines of "yes, it was a 'comic' juxtaposition"... ah well, must have imagined it.
euan wrote:He is like what is Jcyphe was slightly social.
Is this an anagram?
I have no video tricknology, but will try to sort something out. OK? And for the record, I am like the fucking Fonz within a fifty mile radius of my home, alright? The Fonz. I will steal your girlfriend. Really. It's only as I venture further afield that I become Woody Allen. It's like I draw my power from cream teas or something.