To be fair, we only know of two of them. They made the red one and the cream one (which I own).
I provided them with the drawing and parts. Overall, it's not bad, and really the only way I could get one with 4 strings. We had only a reconstructed blueprint to work with, and Noho did a competent job working from the drawing.
The down side: slow service, and I have never gotten it to work properly. When I swapped out the pickup and guard for a RI, the RI parts didn't fit. The bridge was also something I had to hunt down with dogs. The strings were buzzy, but I have been tinkering with the setup. I got frustrated enough that I shelved it for the time being. It's cute, though. It looks pretty good.
Zaphod wrote:o look gaiz i founded a pictar: wayyy too much free time on me hands...
This post made me lol.
I don't know any thing about this whole Noho and other junk, and I'm not even going to ask for an explaination, I think that pic says it all.
DGNR8 wrote:To be fair, we only know of two of them. They made the red one and the cream one (which I own).
I provided them with the drawing and parts. Overall, it's not bad, and really the only way I could get one with 4 strings. We had only a reconstructed blueprint to work with, and Noho did a competent job working from the drawing.
The down side: slow service, and I have never gotten it to work properly. When I swapped out the pickup and guard for a RI, the RI parts didn't fit. The bridge was also something I had to hunt down with dogs. The strings were buzzy, but I have been tinkering with the setup. I got frustrated enough that I shelved it for the time being. It's cute, though. It looks pretty good.
How did you even know about them?
Noho or the mandocaster?
ive heard about noho a few times around here and asked about them and got the stories of how they fucked up everyone they've ordered from's guitars and how the pickguards didnt line up they did a lot of shit wrong and all that. seeing that mandocaster on there myspace page almost suckered me into ordering something.
seriously, how do these guys keep getting orders? just cause it's a mandocaster rather than a guitar does'nt mean they're all the sudden gonna do good work in a timely and fair manner
plopswagon wrote:
Drunk and disorderly conduct is the cradle of democracy.
gaybear wrote:seriously, how do these guys keep getting orders? just cause it's a mandocaster rather than a guitar does'nt mean they're all the sudden gonna do good work in a timely and fair manner
fender dosent make arrows/musiclanders anymore and noho does so they order. (besides warmoth) you dont see any mandocasters out there so idiots like me see them and order. (except i didnt order.)
they have good ideas just shit craftsmenship.
it's a gamble. and when i say gamble i mean along the lines of throwing your money and your address out of the front door when it's windy and hoping it reaches someone selling a mandocaster.